Elaho Valley


Start location: Squamish

Ride Type: Out and Back

Date Ridden: May 2020

Distance: 103 km

Elevation: 1,091 m

Surface: Gravel

Elaho Valley
Elaho Valley
Squamish River
Elaho River
Elaho Fire zone

Why do this ride: Elaho Canyon, Maude Frickert waterfall (sorry, no photo), Elaho Giant old growth (victim to 2015 fire).

Difficulty: Squamish Valley has lots of potholes due to traffic, E-main gets very rough once you get into 2015 fire zone (pictured).

Other notes:  Started this ride at Ashlu (A-Main) turnoff in Squamish Valley (park at west side of bridge). Ride could be started further up Squamish Valley at E-Main turnoff enabling you to get further up Elaho Valley (but see note about roughness of fire zone above). I wanted to get to site of former Elaho Giant but never made it due to roughness, lack of time and deteriorating weather.

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