Greenstone Mnt (Tunkwa & Paska)


Start location: Kamloops (Savona)

Ride Type: Loop

Date Ridden: September 2022

Distance: 121 km 

Elevation: 2,225 m

Surface: Mix road and gravel

Greenstone Tunkwa Paska Kamloops
Greenstone Tunkwa Paska Kamloops
Greenstone Tunkwa Paska Kamloops
Greenstone Tunkwa Paska Kamloops
Greenstone Tunkwa Paska Kamloops
Greenstone Tunkwa Paska Kamloops
Greenstone Tunkwa Paska Kamloops

Why do this ride: Because the mountain is there.

Difficulty: Lots of vertical, some technicality and a bit of hike a bike for final stretches up Greenstone. Some MTB type trails (Shopping Cart Korner) and shortcuts on downhill back to Savona.

Other notes:  This area is best enjoyed in Fall colours. Still a very nice ride if you cut out the optional Greenstone gnarl.

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