Lac du Bois / Tranquille / Dewdrop Rosseau


Start location: Kamloops

Ride Type: Loop-ish

Date Ridden: September 2022

Distance: 75 km

Elevation: 1,410 m

Surface: Mostly gravel

Lac du Bois Transquille Dewdrop Rosseau Kamloops
Lac du Bois Transquille Dewdrop Rosseau Kamloops
Lac du Bois Transquille Dewdrop Rosseau Kamloops
Lac du Bois Transquille Dewdrop Rosseau Kamloops
Lac du Bois Transquille Dewdrop Rosseau Kamloops
Lac du Bois Transquille Dewdrop Rosseau Kamloops
Lac du Bois Transquille Dewdrop Rosseau Kamloops

Why do this ride: Lac du Bois grasslands, Transquille and Dewdrop/Rosseau wildlife management areas.

Difficulty: This one is much harder than the metrics would suggest as following the Lac du Bois uphill on well maintained gravel, the rest of the route including Mt Wheeler downhill and Tranquille/Rosseau trails are relatively rough and unmaintained (see pictures).

Other notes:  Kamloops area is best enjoyed in Fall colours.

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