Tulameen Loop (Kettle Valley Rail)
Start location: Coquihalla Summit
Ride Type: Loop
Date Ridden: July 2020
Distance: 108 km
Elevation: 1,039 m
Surface: Gravel
Why do this ride: Part of the Kettle Valley Railway (KVR). Brookmere historical water tower (we missed it)
Difficulty: Straightforward except the final part back to Coquihalla Summit parking lot (see picture with notes).
Other notes: We forded the Coquihalla River to follow pipeline route per instructions. Maps do show the official route continuing closer to highway; we looked (see gremlin in GPX) but could not find it and got stuck in deadfall. The pipeline route works but has some steep grades. Definitely not railway grade.
Spot any errors, omissions or have any updates, leave a note below.