This site is intended to help gravel enthusiast with planning rides in beautiful British Columbia.  These are rides I have enjoyed over the years, trying to put wheels in as many parts of BC as possible. The routes are only a high level overview of gravel opportunities in each region, locals will know a lot more hidden gems than I have come across as a casual visitor.   The goal is to grow this site as I continue to explore different parts of Beautiful BC. Ideally Vancouver Island in 2025 and Northern BC in 2029 with additional gap filler in the intervening years. Stay tuned.

Burke Mountain forest service road

My first serious foray into BC gravel riding was in 2017 when New Westminster's Fraser River Fuggitivi (look us up on CyclingBC or Instagram) decided to participate in the Hellracer 250 Pemberton to Lillooet epic. Talk about diving in deep!  But things only got properly started  in 2020 with many Covid era solo rides in the Squamish Valley (Ashlu Mine and Elaho Valley), and the Fraser Valley (Chilliwack and Hope areas). This was also around the time when the Fraser Canyon (Clinton, Lillooet) started emerging as a mecca of gravel riding. After the "Gravel is the new Gold" experience, the urge to explore the rest of BC was born. 

Spray Valley Alberta

Ability to ride long distances at moderate speed has been the key ingredient to completing many of the rides posted here. Being well prepared, well stocked with food, drink and tools, and having a bike that is in tip top shape are also critical. Many routes were completed with the trusty Norco Search (steel is real) which is the bomb on the rough stuff, some were completed with a mix road/gravel Specialized Diverge while others were done on a really old Trek hybrid commuter (because sometimes panniers are handy). Lots were done solo (because I don't like to subject others to the gnarl), a bunch with friends, and some as family rides.   Enjoy!

Delta Nature Reserve